Contemporary dancer
I was born in Berlin.
In 2012 I completed 5 years of study with a B.A. in dance from Palucca University for Dance in Dresden. My bachelor work, 'Infinity 2.0’, marked the premier my first 'official' choreographic piece.
For the following six years I worked as a member of the dance company in Volkstheater Rostock, under the direction of Bronislav Roznos until 2013 when Katja Taranu became the director.
So far in my career I have worked with choreographers like Elias Lazaridis, José Vidal, Yamile Navarro, Khai Ngoc Vu, Johannes Härtl, Hung-Wen Mischnick, Teresa Lucia Forstreuter, Avatâra Ayuso, Katharina Christl and Irina Pauls.
In my own work, I follow my curiosity which combines the earthly with the fantastic. I dive into worlds that would otherwise be hidden. With pleasure, I develop wilful beings, hybrids of humans and animals.
Pieces have been dealing with perception, freedom, the transfer into the subconscious and the breaking of habits.
Together with Khai Ngoc Vu, I danced the duet Mushrooms Zone, which he choreographed. This received the 1st prize at the Ayang Young Choreographer Competition in Daegu, South Korea in 2018.
I create art, dance and music videos, documentaries, showreels, image films, and projections. From 2014 - 2017 I produced trailers and teasers for the Volkstheater Rostock in the fields of dance, drama and opera, as well as stage video projections. Lately I worked on stage with 4 live cameras and the manipulation of the video material in the solo dance performance GRIND ME by Marcelo Doño.
As a freelance artist I have lived in Hamburg since 2018.
Since moving to the city, I have co-founded and created work with Kollektiva.. The young network, which consists of eleven women, deals with topics such as femininity and control vs. chaos. Most recently the collective presented their piece Measurable success at Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg and Accent Festival in Berlin.
//BAMBI UND DIE THEMEN - by Bonn Park, D: Jonas Vietzke, CH: Larissa Potapov, Nina Melcher, Jonas Vietzke - Theater an der Glocksee, Hanover
//METAXIS, OR THE CONDITION OF IN-BETWEENNESS - CH: Marcelo Doño - Kampnagel, Hamburg
//DU BIST DRAN!- CH: Regina Rossi - K3 Zentrum für Choreografie | Tanzplan Hamburg
//FOLLOW THE DOPAMINE - CH: Merle | Mischke | Klee - Theaterwerkstatt Pilkentafel Flensburg, SE Kultur Bad SegebergVideo
//WE, THE FLANEUSE - D+CH: Meghna Bhardwaj - Installation - TanzHochDrei: K3 Zentrum für Choreografie | Tanzplan Hamburg -
//BAROCCO - D: Kirill Serebrennikov - Thalia Theater, Hamburg
//WE ARE TRYING - CH: Johannes Härtl - Bürgerhaus Unterföhring, Munich -
Own Work
// BUT WHAT IF YOU FLY? - NISS | POTAPOV - LICHTHOF Theater, HamburgDancer
//CAMPING ROYALE - Corpus Dance Projects - PIT Festival Norwegen, 1. FRINGE Festival Trier, ViaThea Görlitz
//LES MOUTONS - Corpus Dance Projects - STAMP Festival Hamburg, 1. FRINGE Festival Trier
//ALGORITHMIC BODIES - CH: Marcelo Doño - LICHTHOF Theater, Hamburg
//DAS MORTON FELDMAN-PROJEKT - CH: Sabine Glenz - Installation WIESE, HamburgVideo
//PORTRAIT OF DANCE(R) - Anna Schneider & Larissa Potapov - documentary
//AFROCONFUSIONIST - CH: Israel Akpan Sunday - Sprechwerk, HamburgChoreography
//DAS FROLLEIN WUNNER - D: Murat Yeginer - Ohnsorg Theater, Hamburg -
//DAS MORTON FELDMAN-PROJEKT - CH: Sabine Glenz - Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
//VON GRENZEN UND GÄRTEN ODER THE SPACE BETWEEN - CH: Sabine Glenz - Diana Garden, City Park Hamburg
//A FLOCK OF FLYERS - Corpus Dance Projects - Springfestival, Copenhagen & Passagefestival, Helsingør, Denmark
//ICH SEHE WAS DU NICHT SIEHST - CH: Guy Marsan - City center (public space) Hamburg//QUARANTULA - Larissa Potapov (Dance and video) & Jan Paul Werge (music) - online series
//IJAKADI OKAN - CH: Israel Akpan Sunday - Limited Edition, K3 | Tanzplan Hamburg
//WHO IS RESPONSIBLE (WIR)? - CH: Israel Akpan Sunday - Hauptsache Frei Festival, Kraftwerk Bille
//IN_CONNECTION - dance documentation - D: Ann-Leonie Niss & Mayo Rodriguez -
//ALCINA — CH: Beate Vollack — Staatsoper Hamburg
//EMERGER — CH: José Vidal & Cía — Festival A Mil, Santiago de Chile
//MEASURABLE SUCCESS - Kollektiva. - Accent Festival, Berlin
//NATUR - EINE LIEBESERKLÄRUNG - Kollektiva. - Kultur Gut Dönkendorf
//SCHÖNE BÜHNE - Improvisation evening with Gewerkstatt e.V. + Kollektiva. — HamburgChoreography
//LAAT UNS FRÜNNEN BLIEVEN! - D: Murat Yeginer - Ohnsorg Theater, Hamburg
//DES KAISERS NEUE KLEIDER - D: Nora Schumacher - Ohnsorg Theater, Hamburg
//TUSSIPARK - D: Murat Yeginer - Ohnsorg Theater, HamburgVideo
//GRIND ME - CH: Marcelo Doño - LICHTHOF Theater, Hamburg
//I AM LOST TO THE WORLD - Teresa Lucia Forstreuter - HELLERAU - European Center for the Arts -
//WHISPERING WIDOWS - CH: Yamile A. Navarro L. - On-tour Portugal//EMERGENZ - CH: José Vidal & Cìa - Kampnagel, Hamburg
//CONTROL IS A STATE OF CHAOS - Kollektiva. - Eigenarten Festival, Hamburg
//CONTROL IS A STATE OF CHAOS, CHAOS IS A STATE OF CONTROL - Rising Dance Collective - Explosive Festival, Bremen & Reeperbahn Festival, Hamburg
//SCHÖNE BÜHNE - Improvisation evening with Gewerkstatt e.V. - HamburgChoreography
//ALARM IN’T GRANDHOTEL - D: Murat Yeginer - Ohnsorg Theater, HamburgVideo co-production
//HOPE - music documentary - Tribe of Love - Quebec, Canada
//LA LLORONA - music documentary - Tribe of Love - New York + Quebec, Canada
//BLUE SPACE - dancer film - Rising Dance Collective -
//WHISPERING WIDOWS - CH: Yamile A. Navarro L. - Linie08 - Festspielhaus Hellerau // Societaetstheater, Dresden
//MUSHROOMS ZONE - CH: Khai Ngoc Vu - Ayang Young Choreographer Competition, Daegu, South Korea - 1st prize for the best choreographyChoreography & dance
//HAVE A LOOK V - Young choreographers - Tanzcompagnie Volkstheater RostockVideo production
//IWANSON - image film - International School Of Contemporary Dance, Munich
//FRENCH KITCHEN - trailer - dance piece by Johannes Härtl, Munich
//CORNELIA WÖß - ’About Me’ & Showreel video (actress), Rostock -
//CHRONOS - CH: Elias Lazaridis - Tanzcompagnie Volkstheater Rostock
//ROCK’N’ROSTOCK - CH: Katja Taranu - Tanzcompagnie Volkstheater RostockChoreography & dance
//HAVE A LOOK IV - young choreographers - Tanzcompagnie Volkstheater RostockVideo co-production
//HAVE A LOOK IV - Trailer - Tanzcompagnie Volkstheater RostockKamera
//DUALIAD SIN SENTIDO - video installation // art video by Yamile A. Navarro L. - Linie08 - Connected Limits, Festspielhaus Hellerau, Dresden -
//MESSIAH - CH: Katja Taranu - Tanzcompagnie Volkstheater Rostock
//CAFÉ COLORÉ - CH: Katja Taranu - Tanzcompagnie Volkstheater RostockChoreography & dance
//HAVE A LOOK III - young choreographers - Tanzcompagnie Volkstheater RostockVideo co-production
//CAFÉ COLORÉ - stage video projection & trailer - Tanzcompagnie Volkstheater Rostock
//SNOWY SUMMERS - dancer film - In collaboration with the musician Franz Bargmann - Berlin & RostockExhibition (photography & video)
//SCHAU MAL RAUM. - Schillerie Rostock -
//SACRE DU PRINTEMPS - CH: Katja Taranu - Tanzcompagnie Volkstheater Rostock
//SCHWARZ // WEISS // SCHWAN - CH: Katja Taranu - Tanzcompagnie Volkstheater Rostock
//(NO) SATISFACTON! - CH: Johannes Härtl & Katja Taranu - Tanzcompagnie Volkstheater RostockVideo co-production
//SCHWARZ // WEISS // SCHWAN - stage video projection & trailer - Tanzcompagnie Volkstheater Rostock -
//BERNARDA ALBAS HAUS - CH: Katja Taranu - Tanzcompagnie Volkstheater Rostock//PRIVATE ROOMS - CH: Johannes Härtl - Tanzcompagnie Volkstheater RostockChoreography & dance
//HAVE A LOOK II - young choreographers - Tanzcompagnie Volkstheater Rostock//MINNETRONICS - D: Amina Gusner - Volkstheater RostockVideo co-production
Trailer: BERNARDA ALBAS HAUS | HAVE A LOOK II | MINNETRONICS (editing) - Volkstheater Rostock -
//WIDERNATÜRLICHE LIAISON - CH: Bronislav Roznos - Tanzcompagnie Bronislav Roznos, Volkstheater RostockChoreography & dance
//HAVE A LOOK I - young choreographers - Tanzcompagnie Bronislav Roznos, Volkstheater RostockVideo production
//HOUSE OF MEMORIES - dancer film -
//FRIDA KAHLO - CH: Bronislav Roznos - Tanzcompagnie Bronislav Roznos, Volkstheater Rostock
//DIE ERSCHAFFUNG DER WELT - CH: Bronislav Roznos - Tanzcompagnie Bronislav Roznos, Volkstheater Rostock
//SYMPHONY IN RED - CH: Avatâra Ayuso - Kleines Haus, DresdenChoreography & dance
//INFINITY 2.0 - Bachelor work - Festspielhaus Hellerau, Dresden -
//SET IN STONE - CH: Hugo Viera - Semperopera, Dresden
//SOUL AFTER SOUL - CH: Zongwei Xu - Festspielhaus Hellerau, Dresden//11/21 - CH: Katharina Christl - Semperopera, Dresden
//PICTURES BEFORE MEMORY - CH: Mario Picardi Luna - Kleines Haus, Dresden
//WATCH OUT - CH: Irina Pauls - Kleines Haus, Dresden