Whispering Widows war auf Gastspiel.
Das Stück, welches vom Tod handelt, von der Mexikanerin Yamile Navarro choreografiert wurde und im Oktober 2018 in Dresden seine Premiere feierte, reiste nach Portugal um weiterentwickelt und aufgeführt zu werden.
Where I come from, Death is a woman, we are not afraid of her. We know her since our childhood, we write her poems, sing to her, laugh with her. We have her in our lives once a year, as time passes we develop a relationship with death. She is always there, dancing with the people we lost, dancing with us.
When you are confronted with lose there is grief, sorrow, forgiveness, anger, peace, happiness.
Everyone has its own way of letting go, it is a process that goes beyond our place of origin, our believes and our culture.
This ritual is as ancient as Death, and Death is as universal as Dance.
Choreographie: Yamile A. Navarro L.
Tanz: Alicia Varela Carballo, Cristina Bellia, Larissa Potapov, Yamile A. Navarro L.
Musik: Maria Gomes, Flávio Vieira Damião
Licht: Jojo
Team: Patrizia Asha Valeska, Diana Navarro
Tanz in Dresden: Alicia Varela Carballo, Larissa Potapov, Cristina Bellia, Kristin Mente, Larissa Potapov
Musik in Dresden: Tobias Herzz Hallbauer
Gefördert durch die Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachen.
13.07. Covilhã, Portugal
14.07. Castelo Branco, Portugal
15.07. Belmonte, Portugal

Fotos: Diana Navarro, Larissa Potapov